Monday, June 16, 2008

Obama's Father's Day Sermon

If you haven't watched the Father's Day speech, here's the video in it's entirety. It's about 23 minutes long. Good message.

According to

The issue adds to his family values credentials and lets voters see him delivering a stern message to black voters.

"We can't simply write these problems off to past injustices," Obama said Sunday. "Those injustices are real. There's a reason our families are in disrepair ... but we can't keep using that as an excuse."

Obama urged black parents to demand the best from themselves and their children.

He compared it to his own presidential campaign and early comments from black voters who said they liked him but didn't think a black man could ever be elected president. He said they were admitting defeat before the competition had even begun.

"That was when I wasn't black enough. Now I'm too black," he said in a joking aside.

The next holiday on my calendar is Independence Day. John McCain's camp has got to be all over that one. I can't wait to see him under a tent somewhere with fireworks poppin' in the background, weighed down by flag pins, with a really confused look trying to figure out who mistaked his request for a little boost (of Geritol) for Lil' Boosie (...I-n-d-e-p-e-n-d-e-n-t do you know what that means?...).

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