Monday, June 16, 2008

Once You Go Barack...

This afternoon on the radio, I heard some rumblings about an offensive Barack Obama Assassination exhibit that was in New York across the street from the New York Times entrance. I did a little investigating and if you haven't heard or seen it here's what it's all about:

[On June 4th] A Boston-born performance artist, Yazmany Arboleda, tried to set up a provocative art exhibition in a vacant storefront on West 40th St. in Midtown Manhattan with the title, “The Assassination of Hillary Clinton/The Assassination of Barack Obama,” in neatly stenciled letters on the plate glass windows at street level. By 9:30 a.m., New York City police detectives and Secret Service agents had shut down the exhibition, and building workers had quickly covered over the inflammatory title with large sheets of brown paper and blue masking tape. The gallery is across the street from the southern entrance to The New York Times building.

Arboleda, who is 27, said in an interview: “It’s art. It’s not supposed to be harmful. It’s about character assassination — about how Obama and Hillary have been portrayed by the media.” He added, “It’s about the media.” “The exhibition is supposed to be about character assassination. It’s philosophical and metaphorical.” (source)

Check it out. What do you think about "art" imitating life?

Obama's Father's Day Sermon

If you haven't watched the Father's Day speech, here's the video in it's entirety. It's about 23 minutes long. Good message.

According to

The issue adds to his family values credentials and lets voters see him delivering a stern message to black voters.

"We can't simply write these problems off to past injustices," Obama said Sunday. "Those injustices are real. There's a reason our families are in disrepair ... but we can't keep using that as an excuse."

Obama urged black parents to demand the best from themselves and their children.

He compared it to his own presidential campaign and early comments from black voters who said they liked him but didn't think a black man could ever be elected president. He said they were admitting defeat before the competition had even begun.

"That was when I wasn't black enough. Now I'm too black," he said in a joking aside.

The next holiday on my calendar is Independence Day. John McCain's camp has got to be all over that one. I can't wait to see him under a tent somewhere with fireworks poppin' in the background, weighed down by flag pins, with a really confused look trying to figure out who mistaked his request for a little boost (of Geritol) for Lil' Boosie (...I-n-d-e-p-e-n-d-e-n-t do you know what that means?...).

Monday, June 9, 2008

Obama's Kenyan Family Celebrates His Nomination

This is a pretty cool news clip on the reaction to Obama's candidacy by his grandmother's [Sarah Obama] village in Kenya. The village has very high expectations of it's offspring when he becomes the US President. No doubt the Republican machine will try to use this against him in some form. Just watch.

Anyway, the clip is about 4 minutes long. I would love to sit and talk to his grandmother. I bet she has some stories to tell. She has been keeping a close eye on this campaign and I am sure that she has shared wisdom with him that would fill up a book. Click here to read a blog post I did a few months ago about her.

A Terrorist Fist Jab?

Fox News needs to be held accountable for the reckless, inflammatory nature of their reporting under the guise of "fair & balanced." On Friday, an anchor at Fox News teased an upcoming segment on:

"the gesture everyone seems to interpret differently," Fox News' E.D. Hill said: "A fist bump? A pound? A terrorist fist jab? ... We'll show you some interesting body communication and find out what it really says."

In the ensuing discussion with a "body language expert," Hill referred to the "Michelle and Barack Obama fist bump or fist pound," but at no point did she explain her earlier reference to "a terrorist fist jab." (source)

During the segment, Hill hosted Janine Driver to facilitate a discussion on the meaning or the message behind the pound. All this as if to suggest that the Obamas are communicating in some underground, sinister language that only they can decipher and if elected, the United States will be held captive by the terrorist fist jabbers led by Barack and Michelle Obama.

Why would a network waste time and money hiring a "body language expert" to come on the air and analyze a commonly practiced gesture? Because they are continually trying to plant fear into the minds of people and I believe that the network and the anchor should be held accountable for continual blatant abuse of first amendment privileges. Insinuating that a presidential candidate and his wife are terrorists is not an off-the-cuff remark nor is it a teleprompter typo. It was well thought out and purposely used to reel people's attention into the frivolous and baseless segment. This was a despicable display of the lowest form of journalism. I hope that people can finally see what Fox News is all about.

Fox News and E.D. Hill need to be charged with terrorism (the systematic use of fear especially as a means of coercion). This is completely unacceptable.

Click here to sign a petition to demand an apology. You can also send emails and call them here:

Roger Ailes Chairman and Chief Executive Officer,FOX News Channel
1211 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10036
Tel: (212) 301-3000Fax: (212) 301-4229 (Newsroom)

E.D. Hill Anchor, FOX News Live
Tel: (212) 301-3000Fax: (212) 301-8274

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Obama Clinches Democratic Nomination

Watch the full acceptance speech: