After yesterday's events I was left feeling deflated, despondent, discouraged, in disbelief, dismayed and downright dissed. Over the last 24 hours I've received irate phone calls, traded emails, read blog sites and analysis, listened to national radio commentary, and pondered the question "Where do we go from here?" I was emotional when it first happened. I and many in my circle were disappointed. We were numb, not able to comprehend what we had just heard.
Psalm 46:10 is one of my favorite, favorite scriptures and I have learned over the years to "Be still...". Sometimes we need to stop, take a deep breath and just be still. Let the dust settle and the smoke clear. Never make an emotional decision.
Roland Martin, CNN commentator has eloquently put this whole situation into perspective.
Now, let's refocus. Let's take back our agenda. Let's put the issues back on the table and not be duped by a cleverly constructed smoke screen. Jeremiah Wright is not running for President. He is not responsible for the state we are in and he will not create the policies that will change our course. YES, Barack Obama is a politician, but let us not buy into the subtle distrust that is feeding the division. We are not choosing between Obama and Wright.
To quote the song my mama used to sing around the house when times were hard, "Nobody told me that the road would be easy...I don't believe He brought me this far to leave me." Listen folks, we've come too far as a people to have this page in history re-written before it even makes it into the book. We need to finish this and not allow them to use fear to run us back into the house and into the fields.
I referred to the Willie Lynch letter yesterday and it bears repeating:
"...I take these differences and make them bigger. I use FEAR, DISTRUST and ENVY for control purposes. Don’t forget, you must pitch the OLD black male vs. the YOUNG black male, and the YOUNG black male against the OLD black male....BEING A FOOL IS ONE OF THE BASIC INGREDIENTS OF ANY INCIDENTS TO THE MAINTENANCE OF THE SLAVERY SYSTEM."
Don't be fooled. On BOTH sides of the table, Republican and Democratic, they are all sitting together in the back rooms smoking cigars, drinking brandy, and slapping high fives. Amused at how after hundreds of years, it's still working like a charm. Meanwhile, we're distracted, fighting, arguing, bickering, and assassinating one another's character for the sake of posturing and looking good in front of "them". They want us to turn on him. They want us to despise and distrust him. They want us to do the dirty work of tearing him down. In no way am I suggesting that we not hold him accountable as we should do with ANY and EVERY elected official. What I am saying is that we need to STAY FOCUSED on November. STAY FOCUSED on January. STAY FOCUSED on healthcare, education, economy, foreign policy, supreme court appointments, and all the other issues that will affect our children's children. As one of my good friends always says - don't fall for the banana in the tailpipe. IT'S A TRICK, A DISTRACTION, SMOKE & MIRRORS!!!
The Civil War ended over 140 years ago. North and South pitted brother against brother and they shed the blood of their fathers. Now it's time to get on the same side despite our differences and despite our disagreements. This time we know what we're fighting for, and we know who our enemy is. Turn the page. Change the subject.
Yes We [Still] Can.
The Civil War ended over 140 years ago. North and South pitted brother against brother and they shed the blood of their fathers. Now it's time to get on the same side despite our differences and despite our disagreements. This time we know what we're fighting for, and we know who our enemy is. Turn the page. Change the subject.
Yes We [Still] Can.
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