Thursday, April 24, 2008

UPDATE: Controversial North Carolina Republican Ad

Check out the ad below. These people are crazy for real.

To voice your disgust with this ad email the N.C. Republican Party at

By now you've heard the rumbling about the television ad that is set to run in North Carolina on Monday. It was created by the N.C. Republican Party and John McCain has called it despicable and not a reflection of the tone of his campaign, yet the party chairwoman Linda Daves has refused to pull the ad.

The ad is an attack against two North Carolina Democratic gubernatorial candidates, but the punchline is an association that they try to draw between the two candidates endorsement of Barack Obama, and the controversial remarks made by Rev. Jeremiah Wright. This ad is such a stretch and absolutely manufactures a theory that because Obama's former pastor is controversial and the state's democratic candidates endorse Obama, then somehow the judgement of the candidates needs to be questioned because of Obama's past affiliation with Wright. (...WTH?)

I got the opportunity to hear Ms. Daves give a live interview with Michael Baisden and Roland Martin this afternoon, and I tell you, she is in another world (check out Roland's blog on for his perspective). To hear her condescending tone and race baiting was infuriating. She tried to insinuate that Roland was an angry black man. She talked down to both Michael and Roland like they were third graders. Daves sounded like one of those people who is finally the head of something and now is drunk with power. She constantly reiterated that she was the chairman of the North Carolina Republican Party and it was her duty to ensure that the people of North Carolina questioned the judgement of the two candidates and that they issue a "denounce and reject" type statement of Jeremiah Wright (who has absolutely nothing to do with politics in North Carolina!).

To top it all, John McCain has "asked" that the ad be pulled as it is not a reflection of the kind of campaign that he wants to run. Daves has refused to do so and will run the ad starting Monday. Obama campaign spokesman, Hari Sevugan, just released this statement: “The fact that Senator McCain can’t get his own party to take down this misleading, personal attack ad raises serious questions about his promise to the American people that he will run a civil, respectful campaign.”

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