Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Who Will Date Obama's Daughters?

President Barack Obama was asked in a recent interview with Newsweek, how he felt about daughters, Malia and Sasha and how they have acclimated to their new lives. Here's an excerpt (read the full story here) of what he had to say:

You know, the nice thing is that, partly because of temperament, partly because of Michelle's unbelievable parenting skills, I've just got some happy, normal kids. And all that stuff that's going on around them, they just kind of miss. We have not seen any effects, any fishbowl effects, yet on them. Now, I worry about them when they're teenagers where, you know, you're already embarrassed about your parents and even more embarrassed on TV all the time. And dating I think will be an issue because I have men with guns surrounding them at all times [laughter], which I'm perfectly happy with, but they may feel differently about it.

Wow. We need more fathers like this.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

President Obama's Commencement Speech at ASU

Here's a classy guy. Delivering a great speech after all that drama...and they say it was about 100 degrees out there. Never let 'em see you sweat!

Arizona State Snubs President Obama

Maybe you're up on the hoopla surrounding Arizon State University's decision not to give it's 2009 commencement speaker, PRESIDENT Barack Obama an honorary degree - stating that he's not yet accomplished enough.

huh? seriously...isn't being the PRESIDENT enough of an accomplishment?

Anyway, check out the clip from The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. Foolishness to the 4th power.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartM - Th 11p / 10c
Arizona State Snubs Obama
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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Wanda Sykes at White House Correspondents' Association Dinner

Truth always stings a little harder when it's cloaked within a joke.