2:30 PM:
So, here I am in line at the State Archives bldg. It's 2:30 and there are at least 100 people in line ahead of me and 50 more behind me. Not sure what happens after we make it into the auditorium or how many more people are in there!
2:52 PM:
After an 8 min coaching session on the 7 amendments from one of my fav advisors, I've made it into the auditorium. [I'm very ashamed to admit that I'd been too busy MANAGING A POLITICAL CAMPAIGN to notice that there were going to be 7 constitutional amendments also on the ballot. When I got to the voting location I was completely caught off guard and had to get some insight on them at the last minute!] There are 10 voting stations and about 3 ID verifiers/check in stations [actually there were 4]. The line is moving quickly. It's very fluid.
In about 5 mins, I will cast my history changing vote. What an awesome moment!!!
3:13 PM:
Okay, I'm in my car and I have to admit, I walked out a little emotional as the reality of what I've just done sinks in. I just voted for a brilliant, qualified, young, energetic, community serving, Spirit led, BLACK MAN to be President of the United States of America!!! I am sitting in my car in tears as if I can hear the voice of Harriett Tubman saying "don't turn back!" and MLK saying "I have a dream that someday..." and Langston Hughes writing "what happens to a dream deferred...". I hear my ancestors finally exhaling in relief. I hear my slave foreparents resting now, knowing that their labor was not in vain....and the chorus singing "...we shall overcome someday."
My heart is full of joy and I am completely overwhelmed, knowing that this moment will be shared for generations to come. In the words of Maya Angelou, "Barack Obama, we speak your name."
Now I'm drying my face and going to find something to eat.
Wow, what a day. Yes We Can...and Yes I Did!